Handbag is one of the accessory women can't go without it. Why? Because we consider it as a sanctuary. A place to store our make up, cell phones, and all the things that are important on women.
The most important thing about a handbag or purse is not the brand on the label or the logo, it is on how you feel when you carry it. You can have the most famous handbag of the season, but if you go beyond with your budget then there were sleepless night because of the credit card bill, or else you can't sleep thinking of the handbag that looks great on the store because you have a tight budget. Well, it all goes with our style.
The right handbag or purse for you is the one that makes you feel great when you hold it, as you head out the door. A beautiful handbag or purse can affect how we feel. Of course, the feeling is equal like having a great fitting pair of jeans. It's the same having an awesome handbag, purse and wallet.
Yes, it has been said in the past that your handbag must match your shoes and your shoes must match your belt, and so on. But this is not at all true these days. Yes, it is true that your handbag should match your shoes in style, but not necessarily in color. For instance, you probably do not want to carry your fur handbag while wearing flip flops (although, it could be quite a fashion statement), but a Christian Dior handbag would look great with some classy black heels.
But do not worry about finding the perfect shoes -- your Christian Dior handbag can be the centerpiece of your outfit. No matter what your kind of dress you wear the handbag that you carry is going to be an accessory that will get you noticedEveryone deserves to have at least one exciting and luxurious item, like a Christian Dior handbag.